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Beware Chrome and HTTP/2 Debugging April 2 2023
It’s About Security, not Privacy Feb. 26 2016
Technology Marches On Feb. 18 2016
Bitcoin: Where is the Governance? March 3 2014
Bitcoin March 1 2014
The news media is notorious for blowing things out of proportion. Particularly when it comes to Nuclear anything (I was going to say Nuclear Power, but in reality Nuclear anything is cause for exaggeration).
I still remember the news coverage in 1979 of the Three Mile Island event. There was a buildup of hydrogen gas inside the plant and there was concern that this might explode. Now such an explosion would be a chemical explosion, not a good thing, but not the end of the world. However the news coverage led you to believe that it would be a Hydrogen Explosion as in Hydrogen Bomb type of explosion. Maybe they didn't know the difference...
In any event the main point of this post is to point you at "Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors" which provides a detailed write-up and explanation of what is going on now at Japan's damaged reactors. Maybe the end isn't as near as the news organizations would lead you to believe...
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